Harwich LV18 Mi Amigo

September update

It’s been a little busy on the ship since the BBC dismantled their studio and the media left town! In fact, it was only a few days ago that a few of us sat down to discuss what we do next!

Firstly, we have recommenced streaming and three shows from 2017’s Mi Amigo broadcast are playing right now:

Sietse Brouwer (shows from 23 & 24 July) plus Dave Kent (show from 24 July)

Listen via

We’re now looking at some ideas for 2018 and, if it happens, should be very exciting. More info when we can.

The LV18 is staying in Harwich for the winter. Thete was some talk of the vessel going to Ipswich for the Autumn but this is not now happening.

We do hope to be able to stream live shows in the near future and an announcement will be made when we have a firm schedule.


The LV18 Crew