Radio Mi Amigo 2017


For 2017 we were on air for ten days and enjoyed a wider audience using our on board internet connection as well as an improved FM transmission system.

Garry Lee, programme director for 2017 wrote at the time:

Our annual celebration of Pirate Radio takes place 21st July to 30th July and runs alongside Harwich Lifeboat Week. This year, we are all very excited about our Radio Mi Amigo broadcast from the LV18.

“As many of you already know, 2017 is the 50th anniversary of the Marine Offences Act, which outlawed offshore pirate radio in the sixties.

“So to mark this momentous occasion Radio Mi Amigo by day (6am – 6pm), will be playing the sounds of the 60’s 70’s & 80’s – the three glorious decades when the pirates ruled the waves. Expect to hear a fantastic array of songs to bring back happy memories.

“Our team of experienced daytime presenters, will include many familiar voices that you know and love, as well as a selection of new recruits. The majority of which, originally come from a background in pirate radio.

“This year will also be the first time that Radio Mi Amigo has gone 24/7 with a full overnight crew, since our offshore broadcast of 2002.

“The music format & presentation will be a lot more relaxed overnight (6pm – 6am), giving you a much wider choice of interesting listening. The night-time will guarantee an awesome selection of album music & alternative sounds. Some of which first made their way on to radio, thanks to the offshore pirates, other tracks which would definitely have been featured on the late John Peel’s radio show, had the man still been around today.

“Once again our overnight team have been finely chosen from across the UK and will include a few regulars, along with several new additions to the crew.

“We hope you will enjoy the music, come and visit us and support the LV18. As with your support, we can and will PUT THE FUN BACK INTO RADIO!