DJs Mi Amigo

Neon Nancy

Neon Nancy moved to England from Georgia in the USA in 1998 after meeting a fantastic guy from Billericay in a Yahoo chatroom.  They are still married to this day.

Nancy had a variety of jobs through the years from being a lifeguard to doing typesetting and layout.  She owned a neon sign shop for many years and “Neon Nancy” is what the locals called her. Nancy’s hobbies include drawing, painting, sewing and she enjoys cooking and gardening.  She and her husband have six grandchildren.

She began presenting for Radio Mi Amigo in 2002 (with no prior radio experience), adding her brand of “Southern Fried Blonde Moments” with her deep-south accent and her background near Macon, Georgia that frequently hosted concerts from Aerosmith to ZZ Top. Her favourites were the southern bands who often made the rounds such as Stillwater, The Allman Brothers, Wet Willie, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Charlie Daniels, Marshall Tucker and the Outlaws.

She also enjoys country music and the blues, but classic rock has always been her first love.  Neon Nancy is always so happy to invite y’all to “Be On With Neon” and Radio Mi Amigo. She says, “It is an honour and a privilege to be part of the team aboard the LV18”.

Neon Nancy is a member of the team that presents live shows from the LV18 but can also be heard occasionally on the station during the week.

Contact Neon Nancy via our studio address:

    DJs Mi Amigo

    Duke Anthony

    Duke Anthony adopted his (non-hereditary) title in 1969 after listening to DJs such as Emperor Rosko, Tony Prince and Earl Richmond. Radio broadcasting was still a long way off for The Duke but he embarked on a long succession of mobile discotheque engagements over the next six decades.

    Having grown up listening to the pirates in the sixties it was with great delight that he discovered and attended the various reunions in Harwich, and had the thrill of meeting his DJ heroes from the sixties.

    A contact from one of those visits put him in touch with the boss of a community radio station in his area and the radio career finally began. Visiting the LV18 in 2024, intending to help clear up after the fire, he was given a slot on Radio Mi Amigo and has never been happier, fulfilling an ambition held since 1966.

    Duke Anthony is a member of the team that presents live shows from the LV18 but can also be heard occasionally on the station during the week.

    Contact Duke Anthony via our studio address:

      DJs Mi Amigo

      New Monday Schedule

      Our Monday daytime schedule now looks like this:

      0700 Radio Mi Amigo archive
      0900 Kevin Dinnigan
      1000 Gordon Bathgate
      1100 Steve Jenner
      1200 Ian Chambers

      Repeated 1300-1900

      We hope this is your remedy for the Monday blues!